International Mediation Conference – InMEDIATE

2 of March 2023 (free of charge)



2 of March 2023


International Mediation Conference – InMEDIATE


2 of March 2023

09.00 am – 09.45 am
Welcome and Presentation of the InMEDIATE Project (with Jonathan Barth and Verena Reinecke)

Welcome and Presentation of the InMEDIATE Project (with Jonathan Barth and Verena Reinecke)

09.00 am – 09.45 am

InMEDIATE is a project funded by the European Union through the Erasmus Plus funding programme 2014-2020 and was developed by a partnership of 7 organizations from Germany, Italy and Poland. The aim of the project ist to establish a European vocational profile for an “International Mediator“. After 30 months the project is coming to a close in March 2023. As an outcome a training curriculum for mediation practitioners was designed, implemented and delivered providing a comprehensive set of certified qualifications, enabling trainees to act as international mediators in cross-border civil disputes. Our conference sets the final point for our project, presenting project results and especially introducing you to our Replicability Toolkit. This toolkit contains the curriculum, content and methods of the training course and will be publicly available.


Jonathan Barth studied International Management Science with a focus on personnel and service management at the University of Leipzig. He has worked as a project manager for Steinbeis Mediation on several EU projects focussing on mediation in cross-border conflicts and has published several articles and books on online mediation in the cross-border setting.
Jonathan Barth is a business mediator and business coach. He is responsible for the strategic development of the Steinbeis Mediation as well as for international projects. He lives and works in Leipzig, Germany.

Verena Reinecke has graduated in Eastern Slavonic Studies, English and History. She has gained professional experience in designing and implementing educational projects, in the organisation of intercultural exchanges (especially in Great Britain/Finland/Vietnam and Ukraine) and as a trainer and consultant. Verena Reinecke is a trained business mediator, systemic consultant and facilitator and is working as education manager, mediator and trainer at Steinbeis Mediation. She lives and works in Leipzig, Germany.

10.00 am – 01.00 pm
Les méthodes d’impact en médiation interculturelle : des outils pour se reconnecter à l’universalité des besoins (avec Alice Canet)

Les méthodes d’impact en médiation interculturelle : des outils pour se reconnecter à l’universalité des besoins (avec Alice Canet)

10.00 am – 01.00 pm

Cette formation est participative : avec caméra allumée et multiples interactions.
Son contenu sera adapté en fonction des attentes des participants présents.

Points forts :

Médiation interculturelle

  1. La médiation (rappels)
  2. La « culture »
    1. Définitions
    2. Réflexion commune sur des éléments de « culture française » et « culture allemande »
    3. Différences culturelles en matière familiale, dans toutes les cultures représentées par les participants

Dépasser l’apparent « conflit culturel » avec les méthodes d’impact

  1. Attention au piège !
  2. Exemples de méthodes utilisées dans plusieurs médiations (dans toutes : médiations familiales entre un homme et une femme)
    1. Franco-suisse / Vieil agriculteur– jeune femme de niveau académique / allaitement – éducation libre/discipline
    2. Franco-allemande / émotions vs faits
    3. Franco-marocaine / Impossibilité d’exprimer en mots
  3. Méthodes d’impact
    1. Définition
    2. Présentation de quelques méthodes
    3. Mise en pratique et mise en commun
    4. Quelle méthode pour quelle situation


Alice Canet est avocate et médiateure en matière familiale internationale. Pour elle, un conflit est une opportunité de réalisation de soi. Un panneau indicateur pour trouver le chemin de la paix avec les autres, et de la paix intérieure. Son objectif : Aider les familles internationales et franco-allemandes en particulier à transformer leur conflit en opportunité de paix. Je permets aux familles de réussir à créer leur paix en 3 étapes :

  1. État des lieux – clarification des questions, éléments de réponse juridiques et concrets - pour rendre la montagne de questions beaucoup plus simple et compréhensible
  2. Construction de l’accord - Organisation de l’échange avec les deux parents / ex pour créer avec eux les modalités de séparation qui leur conviennent avec les outils de la médiation
  3. Formalisation  - Rédaction d’acte / réalisation de la procédure pour donner force juridique à l’accord de mes clients

Passionnée de transmission de paix, elle est également formatrice à la médiation interculturelle lors de stages franco-allemands. Elle habite à Strasbourg, où elle vit avec son partenaire allemand et ses deux petites filles.

10.00 am – 01.00 pm
International Mediation Institute (IMI) Certification and International Mediation Practice (with Ivana Ninčić Österle, Manon Schonewille and Federico Antich)

International Mediation Institute (IMI) Certification and International Mediation Practice (with Ivana Ninčić Österle, Manon Schonewille and Federico Antich)

10.00 am – 01.00 pm

The International Mediation Institute (IMI) is a Hague-based non-profit public interest initiative to drive transparency and high competency standards into mediation practice, worldwide. IMI was established in 2007 to set out internationally-applicable quality standards for mediators and an international mediator credentialing scheme. Rather than unify regulatory instruments, IMI aims to offer a framework for diverse mediator certification requirements in different countries and in public and private sector service-provider organisations around the world. IMI continues to work with mediator credentialling institutions around the world to ensure and elevate quality in the field.

During this workshop, IMI’s Executive Director will, together with several prominent IMI Certified Mediators, shed light on how IMI Qualifying Assessment Programs are being delivered, discuss  advantages of being assessed as part of IMI Certification, as well as considerations to be made in international mediation practice.


Ivana Ninčić Österle is the Executive Director of the International Mediation Institute. She is a lawyer, mediator and public policy consultant for judicial reform, specializing in mediation and judicial efficiency. Since 2013, she supported the Ministry of Justice of Serbia in EU integration, within which she has worked on devising a more sustainable mediation system as well as on active promotion of mediation, including through leading the initiative to sign the Singapore Convention. Between 2014 and 2020, Ivana has served as a national correspondent and deputy member of the European Commission for Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ).

Manon Schonewille is an IMI Certified Mediator and Mediation Advocate at Legal Rebel and Mundi Mediatores, as well as Chair of the IMI Mediation Advocacy Task Committee. She is a cross-border business and workplace mediator located in The Netherlands, specialized in commercial, B2B and workplace mediations, as well as solving or preventing team conflicts. She has conducted, coached, supported, advised and represented clients in mediations and negotiations in Dutch, English and German. Clients include multinational companies, law firms, consulting companies and commercial parties from a variety of countries. Manon is also active in mediation training and assessment, through Academy Legal Mediation of Toolkit Company, an IMI CMTP and QAP.

Federico Antich is a seasoned Attorney at Law licensed to practice in Italy who pioneered the practice of mediation in his country, having managed since 1999 more than 5,000 mediations. He is currently accredited by several mediation organizations including CEDR and IMI. He was the first Italian to be inducted as a Distinguished Fellow of the International Academy of Mediators and currently serves as the President of the Italian Delegation of the Mediation Center for Europe, the Mediterranean and the Middle East, an IMI Qualifying Assessment Program (QAP) and as Co-Chair of the IBA - Mediation Committee.

10.00 am – 01.00 pm
Strategies for successfully navigating cultural differences in conflict management (with Olha Bershadska and Olesia Ivanenko)

Strategies for successfully navigating cultural differences in conflict management (with Olha Bershadska and Olesia Ivanenko)

10.00 am – 01.00 pm

Some teams use their diversity to foster creativity and market growth while other teams are stuck because of different approaches to planning, communication and problem solving. And this is even more relevant for international, remotely located and virtual teams. Confusing cultural norms might result in unpleasant, humiliating or even career-damaging situations.

This workshop explores the ways to communicate with people of various ages, worldviews, job preferences, genders, hobbies, learning preferences and cultural backgrounds. Participants will practice in recognizing their own styles as well as those of others, fostering understanding of cultural differences and fostering a sense of trust.

As a result, the participants will be able to see differences as a source of inspiration and development and get to know tools how to make use of this source.


Olga Bershadska has worked as a facilitator and a trainer with such organizations as UNICEF, OSCE, USAID, IFES and others. At the moment, Olha works with UNICEF on a project aiming at enhancing the psychosocial wellbeing of people affected by the ongoing war in Ukraine. Besides, she is a trainer at International Facilitator School, teaches cross-cultural communication and public speaking at National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy (Ukraine) and is a board member of the Ukrainian chapter of the International Association of Facilitators (IAF).

Olesia Ivanenko is an Ukrainian lawyer. She specializes in labor law and family law. For more than 15 years, Olesia has successfully combined legal practice with scientific and teaching activities. She is the author of training programs on labor law and resolution of labor disputes, as well as educational courses on civil and family law. Olesia is a member of the National Association of Mediators of Ukraine and has considerable experience in the field of mediation and conflict resolution. She also actively cooperates with NGOs as a trainer for the development of critical and creative thinking skills. Olesia is currently working in the field of mediation and is studying at the MBA program at the Berlin School of Economics and Law.

01.00 pm – 02.00 pm
Lunch Break

Lunch Break

01.00 pm – 02.00 pm

02.00 pm - 05.00 pm
« L’Autre est autre … et aussi moi » : Comment faciliter la rencontre? (avec Joëlle Dunoyer et Christel Schirmer)

« L’Autre est autre … et aussi moi » : Comment faciliter la rencontre? (avec Joëlle Dunoyer et Christel Schirmer)

02.00 pm - 05.00 pm

Quel rôle peut jouer la médiation ou la « médiation attitude » dans le rapprochement des individus de différentes cultures?
Que dois-je connaître et comprendre des autres cultures pour éviter les malentendus ou incompréhensions?

Cet atelier a pour objectif le partage de connaissances du contexte multiculturel dans lequel nous vivons aujourd’hui.
De multiples cadres de références se juxtaposent dans notre société et le « vivre ensemble » au quotidien en est impacté.
Il est important et urgent de réfléchir ensemble afin d’enrichir nos cultures de nos différences.

Cet atelier se veut participatif avec une partie de codéveloppement (apporter votre propre cas !) Durée 3h


Partie 1

  • Présentation des participants (qui sont-ils et quelle est leur motivation pour être présents)
    • Échange et définition autour de la notion de « Culture » et d’« Interculturalité »
  • Présentation des besoins fondamentaux universels et leur déclinaison dans différentes « valeurs culturelles » …
    • Réflexions et échanges sur ce sujet
  • Elaboration de notre propre « carte culturelle » et de notre cadre de référence (travail individuel) car comprendre les autres passe par la prise de conscience de soi!
    • Partage et échange pour ceux qui le souhaitent (c’est très intéressant lorsque les participants sont d’horizons différents car les discussions permettent d’expliquer des différents points de vue).

Partie 2

  • Deux outils indispensables et une posture facilitatrice:
    L’écoute et la reformulation : Un peu de théorie puis exercice en groupe
    • Partage et retour d’expérience

Partie 3

  • Codéveloppement : sur la base d’un ou deux cas apportés par les participants, partage de réflexion et élaboration commune de solutions.



Joëlle Dunoyer est libanaise et française, elle a grandi au Liban et vit en France depuis 20 ans. Elle se définit comme une citoyenne du monde, un environnement multiculturel ayant toujours fait partie de son histoire. Elle est sociologue, médiatrice assermentée et formatrice en gestion des conflits et en conflits interculturels. Elle travaille avec France Terre d'Asile, une organisation française qui aide à l'intégration des immigrants et des réfugiés à la culture et au mode de vie français. Elle est également co-fondatrice et rédactrice en chef du magazine français Intermédiés consacré à la médiation et à la résolution des conflits, ADR.

Christel Schirmer est allemande et vit en France depuis près de 40 ans. Après une carrière à Paris comme assistante de direction et traductrice dans des entreprises internationales (LVMH,) elle vit aujourd'hui dans le sud de la France, où elle gère son activité de consultante en affaires franco-allemandes et de formatrice indépendante. Elle est médiatrice certifiée depuis 2012, assermentée par le tribunal de Montpellier. Il y a quatre ans, Christel a rejoint le comité de rédaction du magazine français de médiation INTER-Médiés. Elle anime également des émissions sur Radio Pays d'Hérault. Christel se définit comme une "bâtisseuse de liens" qui construit des ponts et crée des interactions entre des personnes d'horizons différents.

02.00 pm - 05.00 pm
Towards demand-driven dispute resolution: what do people think of different dispute resolution methods and which do they use? Insights from an empirical study and field experience in Belgium so providers can better meet needs (D. Nigmatullina & J. Seel)

Towards demand-driven dispute resolution: what do people think of different dispute resolution methods and which do they use? Insights from an empirical study and field experience in Belgium so providers can better meet needs (D. Nigmatullina & J. Seel)

02.00 pm - 05.00 pm

The workshop will help conflict resolution professionals understand the needs of people in conflict, and provide tools to meet them.

In the first part, we will present and discuss the key results of a survey on dispute resolution culture in Belgium that a team of researchers from the Faculty of Law of the University of Antwerp and Conflicool conducted in September 2022.  The survey involved two thousand Belgian residents and collected data on their perception of and experience with various ways of handling disputes. Particular attention in the survey was paid to mediation and ODR.
In the second part, the learnings from 500 meetings with parties in conflict using a multi door courthouse approach will be shared. Focus will be on how more mediations can be generated ad how technology can be used to help citizens at scale.


Dilyara Nigmatullina is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Antwerp (Faculty of Law, Law Enforcement Research Group) and accredited mediator in Belgium since 2012. Her areas of research interest include international commercial dispute resolution, Alternative Dispute Resolution, comparative and empirical research. Dilyara regularly publishes on issues relating to international dispute resolution, teaches and presents at international and regional conferences in this field.   

Johannes Seel is a lawyer, an accredited mediator and a local ombudsman for disputes between lawyers and their clients in Belgium. He works in German, French, English and Dutch. Johannes co-founded conflicool, a non-profit organization working on facilitating access to mediation and to justice. Parties facing a legal problem receive practical advice and are guided towards the most appropriate dispute resolution mechanism to resolve it amicably, if possible.

02.00 pm - 05.00 pm
Comparative insights regarding transnational mediators and national mediators (with Laura Ristori, Laura Capacci and Simona Viciani)

Comparative insights regarding transnational mediators and national mediators (with Laura Ristori, Laura Capacci and Simona Viciani)

02.00 pm - 05.00 pm

Courts, legislators and lawyers still approach transnational cases in the same fashion as purely domestic ones, adjusting the concepts of domestic law where they believe it necessary. This approach was significant for the transnational issues setting. The same problem emerges with regard to mediation applied to transnational cases. This workshop focusses on the issues and the adequate approach to transnational litigation.


Avv. Laura Ristori work as a lawyer and mediator in civil and commercial disputes.
She was trained as a mediator at Florence University, but had her advanced training also at the Harvard Negotiation Program, at the CMAP Center in Paris, and Mexico. She has attended classes taught by Joseph Folger, Gary Friedman, Kenneth Kloak, David Hoffman, among the many. She is familiar with the trasformative mediation model, the mediation trough understanding model,and the Umanistic model and teaches classes in mediation for the University of Florence Law School, the Florence Bar Association and Istituto Superiore Sant'Anna di Pisa.
Avv. Laura Ristori has mediated more than a hundred disputes and today she works as a mediator for the  Mediation Organization of the Florence Bar Association (OCF).

Laura Capacci

Simona Viciani
Associate professor of University of Florence

05.00 pm - 06.00 pm
Closing of the conference / Feedback and exchange

Closing of the conference / Feedback and exchange

05.00 pm - 06.00 pm



Presenters / Trainers

Christel Schirmer

Christel Schirmer

trainer and consultant

Jonathan Barth

Jonathan Barth

project organisation and mediator

Olga Bershadska

Olga Bershadska

facilitator, trainer and consultant

Alice Canet

Alice Canet

lawyer and mediator

Laura Capacci

Laura Capacci

lawyer and mediator

Joëlle Dunoyer

Joëlle Dunoyer

sociologist, mediator, trainer

Olesia Ivanenko

Olesia Ivanenko

lawyer and mediator

Ivana Ninčić Österle

Ivana Ninčić Österle

Executive Director of IMI, lawyer, mediator

Verena Reinecke

Verena Reinecke

project organisation and mediator

Laura Ristori

Laura Ristori

lawyer and mediator

Johannes Seel

Johannes Seel

lawyer, mediator and ombudsman

Simona Viciani

Simona Viciani

professor juridical science

Dilyara Nigmatullina

Dilyara Nigmatullina

postdoctoral researcher and mediator

Federico Antich

Federico Antich

Attorney at Law and mediator

Manon Schonewille

Manon Schonewille


Project Partners


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